Lamp_Stand-19.gcode 26303.51303 mm of filament used in this print the print goes from 71.454000 mm to 218.534000 mm in X and is 147.080000 mm wide the print goes from 71.454000 mm to 218.534000 mm in Y and is 147.080000 mm wide the print goes from 0.000000 mm to 150.062000 mm in Z and is 150.062000 mm high Estimated duration (pessimistic): 600 layers, 6:16:07 Print Started at: 20:20:10 Print ended at: 01:39:41 and took: 5:19:31 ==================================================== Lamp_Translucent-2x-21.gcode 26282.84518 mm of filament used in this print the print goes from 38.913000 mm to 251.099000 mm in X and is 212.186000 mm wide the print goes from 95.375000 mm to 194.622000 mm in Y and is 99.247000 mm wide the print goes from 0.000000 mm to 150.062000 mm in Z and is 150.062000 mm high Estimated duration (pessimistic): 600 layers, 11:26:19 Setting bed temperature to 60.000000 degrees Celsius. Setting hotend temperature to 180.000000 degrees Celsius. Extruding 10.000000mm of filament. Print Started at: 15:41:18 Print ended at: 23:41:38 and took: 8:00:20